Title : Customer Review: Impact On Choice Confidence, Product Attitude, And Purchase Intention

Authors :
1. Sri Hartini
2. Masmira Kurniawati
3. Sayyida
4. Muhammad Ihwanudin

Department : Manajemen

Journal Name : Journal of Positive School Psychology

Keywords : Online Review, Choice Confidence, Attitude Toward Product, Purchase Intention


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of online customer reviews on choice confidence, product attitudes, and purchase intentions. The design of this research is quantitative experimental. This study used 120 students from the school of business of Airlangga University. This research was conducted by manipulating online review variables into two categories (positive reviews and negative reviews). The manipulation variable was tested for its effect on choice confidence, attitude towards the product, and purchase intention. The study used ANOVA and SEM-PLS. ANOVA to test the relationship between manipulation variables (positive review and negative review) with Choice confidence, Product attitude, and Purchase intention. SEM PLS is used to test the relationship between Choice confidence, Attitude towards the product, and purchase intention. Five hypotheses were accepted, and one other hypothesis was rejected. Research findings show that online customer reviews of positive content will create better attitudes and higher purchase intentions than reviews of negative content. However, the online review content (positive and negative) did not create different choice confidence. Furthermore, choice confidence influences product attitudes and purchase intentions. The contribution of this study is to explain the impact of online customer reviews on consumer buying behaviour using the SOR concept. Online Review as stimuli, Choice confidence and attitude towards the product as Organism, and Purchase intention as Response. The results of this study become managerial input in formulating marketing strategies in e-commerce related to online reviews on the market placement platform used.

For details : https://journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/10868