Title : A Research on Tesco's Consumer Purchasing Behavior towards E-Commerce during the Pandemic Period

Authors :
1. A A Gde Satia Utama
2. Monica Verma
3. Jing Yi Ng
4. Daisy Mui Hung Kee
5. Chun Shuen Nga
6. Nik Nadia Izzati
7. Yu Xuan Ng
8. Fadhilah Khoiruwnia

Department : Akuntansi

Journal Name : International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific (IJAFAP)

Keywords : Business Performance, Consumer Purchasing Behavior, Convenience, E-Commerce, Social Need


During the pandemic period, people nowadays have two shopping choices, either online or shopping at physical stores. The research was conducted to investigate the impact of the rising of E-commerce during the pandemic period against Tesco consumer purchasing behavior. Three hypotheses are carried out to determine the direction of this research. This research was conducted by having a survey with 100 eligible respondents. Descriptive analysis, regression analysis, and other tests were summarized to determine the relationships of the three hypothesis. The findings indicate that social need, convenience, and business performance have a simultaneous effect on consumer purchasing behavior. Consumer purchasing behavior was statistically associated with convenience and business performance.

For details : https://ejournal.aibpmjournals.com/index.php/IJAFAP/article/view/1415