Title : How to Attract The Library Visitors? The Role of CSR at The Library, Library Image, Customer Value, and Loyalty to The Library: Evidence from Indonesia

Authors :
1. Sri Hartini
2. Masmira Kurniawati
3. Jovi Sulistiawan
4. Muhammad Ihwanudin

Department : Manajemen

Journal Name : Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)

Keywords : customer loyalty, corporate social responsibility, customer value, library, library image


This study focuses on the impact of CSR on the library’s performance in collaboration with CSR programs. Using the purposive sampling method, the sample was 350 library service users in Indonesia. Data was collected through a Google Form questionnaire distributed on social media. SEM-PLS was used to analyze five hypotheses, which were accepted. This study indicates that CSR in the library is significantly positively related to library image, customer value, and loyalty. In addition, library image and customer value are positively related to library visitor loyalty. Currently, the social responsibility literature is only limited to the customer perspective, and not many have examined CSR effectiveness from the perspective of corporate partners, such as libraries. Managerial implication can be proposed that CSR programs effectively and empirically positively impact library performance.

For details : https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/6769/