Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Ec. Praptini,Msi.


PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) applies formal mentoring methods in the recruitment stages of new employees to obtain resources capable of fullfill the qualifications and competencies re
quired by the company with formally assigning mentor to guide mentees and assigning specific responsibilities for mentors with the time period of the on-job training (OJT) mentoring program for a year of initial employment contract for new recruitment or internally known as OJT Students.
This study of the assessment mentor function to obtain a balanced evaluation perspective in evaluating the mentoring program. In this study, mentor function is formed from two dimensions. Ability development support and psychosocial support which the focus of the company then analyzed the effect of mentor function relationship through psychological contract mentoring, affective commitment and directly to the OJT student mentoring performance at Kebutuhan Kompentensi Jabatan (KKJ) Strata 1 (S1) dan Diploma 3 (D3) PT.PJB.
The respondent population consists of students who completed the OJT mentoring program of 14th generation in 2017 and their mentor by representing the existing operating units in PJB. The conceptual framework of the study is schematically processed based on the relationship path model with processing and analysis used of Partial Least Square (PLS) method through smartPLS2 application.
The results showed that the Mentor Function in PJB gave a high average rating on the forming dimension of Ability development support and psychosocial support dimensions. From result of path analysis of PLS indicate that mentor function have positive and significant influence to psychological contract mentoring, mentor function have positive and significant influence to affective commitment, psychological contract mentoring have positive and significant influence to affective commitment, psychological contract mentoring have positive and significant influence on performance on the job mentoring, affective commitment have no significant effect on performance on the job mentoring and mentor function have positive and significant effect directly on performance on the job of student mentoring at PT. PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali.

Keywords : Formal mentoring, Mentoring on the job training (OJT), Ability development support and Psychosocial support, Psychological contract mentoring, Affective commitment, Mentoring performance.

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