Dosen Pembimbing
Dr. Sri Hartini, SE., Msi.


This research is aimed at making the blue print of service and standard operating procedure in Restaurant “X” in Surabaya. Service blue print is a picture or a map that describes a service system accurately so that individuals involved in the provision of the service can better understand about the system despite having different roles and point of views. Standard operating procedure can be defined as a guideline or a reference to perform job duties that is in accordance with functions and enterprise performance appraisal tool based on technical, administrative and procedural indicators that is in accordance with working procedures and working systems in the related work unit.
This research was conducted in Restaurant “X” in Surabaya. In this study, Restaurant “X”is included in the type of café (small-sized restaurant). The number of subjects in this study was amounted to 8 people (6 prospective customers, 1 owner, and 1 manager). Data collection tool was in the form of interview and observation. The result of interviews are used in making service blueprints and observation result are used in making standard operating procedure. Data analysis was conducted by using source triangulation analysis technique.
The results of the data analysis obtained the design of the blueprint of Restaurant “X”. Customer first impression starts from the exterior of the restaurant and the parking lot. Strandard Operating Procedure for employees who work in Restaurant“X” in five position, waiter/ss, cashier, bartender, cook, and dishwasher.

Keywords: service, blueprint, standard operation procedure, restaurant.

Sumber : http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/artikel/artikel-ilmiah/836-cetak-biru-pelayanan-pada-restoran-x-di-surabaya.html