Eric Kurniawan
Dosen Pembimbing
Prof.Dr.Ir.Suparno, M.S.I.E.


The healthcare industry is one of the many industries in Indonesia to receive special attention from the government. With the intent to establish free universal healthcare coverage to the masses, budgets and policies have been adjusted to accomodate this purpose. With the rise of social healthcare assurance organization (BPJS kesehatan) initiated in 2014, many citizen have utilized this free healthcare assurance, and as a consequence, healthcare facilities, including hospitals, have been pushed to steadily give excellent quality medical service with rapidly increasing number of visits from sick patients, due to free service. The standards for excellent service are regulated by the health minister to maintain quality healthcare standard for patient service, some of the quality standards are serving time in a outpatient clinic, with details of waiting time of medical record retrieval to no more than 10 minutes, and waiting time for a medical doctor service to no more than 60 minutes, and waiting time of a patient’s drug request in the pharmacy department to no more than 30 minutes. Facing this conditions, Hajj General Hospital of Surabaya tries to comply with the regulations posed by the healthcare minister. A survey conducted by the researcher found that the outpatient clinic of the Hajj General Hospital are unable to fulfill the 3 standard waiting times.
The purpose of this research is to find the cause and the mechanism of the long waiting time in the outpatient clinic of the Hajj General hospital and recommend a operational solution to actively decrease waiting time. This research will use value stream mapping, fishbone diagram, cycle time analysis, and failure mode and effect analysis. The biggest cause of the problem is mura or unevenness of workload, due to patient arrival too early in the morning. The researchers recommend the Hajj general hospital to coordinate between outpatient clinic and medical record department to arrange their opening time, Improving online patient registration to inform the patient arrival time in an effort to decrease the patient workload in the morning, and also creating a reward and punishment system for medical and administration staff to increase their time discipline. It is found that the lead time can be decreased, from 4 hours and 15 minutes to 2 hours and 52 minutes. The value added activity can be increased from 7% to 10%.

Keywords : lean hospital, Value stream mapping, outpatient care, service time.

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