Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Indrianawati Usman,SE.,M.Sc.


In conducting its business process PT XYZ which is a subsidiary of state-owned port services company continues to meet the needs of consumers in service delay which aims to improve ship service to run quickly, reliably, transparently and standards, and with minimal cost so as to enhance the competitiveness of ports in Indonesia. PT XYZ does not want to merely fulfill the needs of the market, but in terms of quality still improve the service of shipping is Delays, Delivery, Scouting, Drawing, various ship providers, Procurement of Ship Equipment Facility, Fulfillment of sea logistics, Crewing, and other Marine Services , then the company provides Power Ship capable engine between 2000 to 3,600 HP (Horse Power). Using the ship that has engine power and complete navigation in accordance with international standards and the design of a high-quality ships make PT XYZ more actively innovate to optimize the ship Snooze in oerder to operations run smoothly.
Furthermore, in order to support the smooth operation of Ships, PT XYZ still encountered obstacles, such as finding the occurrence of the High Utilization of Deaf Ship that is Tug Assist KRS and Tug Assist JBY, as well as the existence of an erratic level of capacity, so that needed a step / remedial efforts with Optimization Utilization on the use of Snug Ships in the branch area one of Indonesia Port.
One solution that can be applied to overcome the obstacles that occur is by way of evaluating the over utilization on the use of Snug Ship that is by finding the root of the problem through Fishbone Diagram Analysis and Capacity Utilization Rate calculation. The purpose of this study is to Cost Efficiency in Ship Operations and Improvement Utilization Optimization rate in the use of Snail Ship especiallyTug Assist KRS And Tug Assist JBY operating in the area one of Indonesia Port as the service user of PT XYZ Surabaya.

Keywords : Utilization, Optimization, Fishbone Diagram, Capacity Utilization Rate.

Sumber : http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/artikel/artikel-ilmiah/818-optimalisasi-penggunaan-utility-kapal-tunda-krs-dan-kapal-tunda-jby-dalam-penghematan-biaya-cost-efficiency-operasional-kapal-di-lingkungan-perusahan-xyz.html