Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Tri Siwi Agustina,SE., M.Si.


Human resource planning is a process that identifies the strategy to acquire, empower, develop, and maintain the workforce to address the current organization need and its future development. The importance of human resource planning in an organization is to estimate or forecast the workforce condition to be in accordance with the organization demand effectively and efficiently to help achieve its goal.
This study aims to find out the results of human resource planning evaluation in a national statistical office of Indonesia, Badan Pusat Statistik (the BPS). This study is a descriptive study and employs quantitative approach. The sample size in this study is determined by using Slovin’s formula which is 238 employees from total of 1.629 employees in the BPS headquarter office, through Purposive Random Sampling method. The method of data collection in this research is questioning the respondents by using questionnaire.
This study discovers that the six indicators of human resource planning which serve as basis of evaluating the human resource planning at the BPS (job analysis, recruitment, availability, education and training, employee development, and dismissal and retirement) have generally and evenly shown good achievement.

Keywords : human resource planning, organization.

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