Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Masmira Kurniawati,SE.,Msi.


Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world, is one of potential market for cosmetics, but in the otherhand based on LPPOM MUI only 72 company put halal logo on their packaging. Halal logos are not only a warranty for Muslim consumers that what they consume or use is based on Islamic law, but also the producer guarantees that the goods or services meet halal standards (Arif, 2009).
On the other hand, accretion Muslim in Indonesia brings new trend for marketing in Indonesia, and it’s called as Muslim Generation or GenM. GenM are people with charectistics: living in modern life, think globally, and go hand in hand, but they implement firm value of Islam in their life.
The purpose of this research was to determine factors that affect repurchase intention on cosmetics non halal logo and determine factors that affect consumen on attitude towards non halal logo in cosmetics. The method used in this research was quantitative, data obatined through questionner that was distributed to 228 respondent GenM in Indonesia. PLS analysis results indicate attitude toward behavior and perceived behavior control as factors affected repurchase intention on cosmetic with non halal logo. And knowledge, religiosity and subjective norm, are factors that not affected on repurchase intention on cosmetic with non halal logo.

Keywords : Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), knowledge, attitude toward behavior, perceived behavior control, religiosity, subjective norm, attitude toward product, repurchase intention.