Dosen Pembimbing
Prof Badri Munir Sukoco,S.E.,MBA,Ph.D.


The existence and the involvement of family has made conflict as an important and essential characteristic in a family enterprises. The purpose of this research is to explore the strategy of the owner to manage the conflicts. The object of the research is PT. Gading Murni, a medium size family firm engage in industry of office stationaries and equipments.
The type of the research is qualitative research, using the semi structured interview. The method is an exploratory single case study with single unit of analysis. The main data sources are those who are involved in the family firms. The type of data source are (1) Documentation and (2) In-depth interview.
The occurring conflicts can be described in the Conflict Map consists of Individual, Family and Business domains and the intersections. The map becomes the reference to construct a model called Shifting Hats Strategy, of which the owner may demonstrate the role of Fatherhood or CEO, divided into two Hemispheres. Each role has its own strategies in Cognitive, Affection and Action domain. Each strategies in both hemisphere deal with different type of conflicts. These strategies are found be effective due to the existence of the Power Distance, Collectivism and Family Climate.

Keywords: Conflict, Conflict Management, Family Business, Strategy.

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