Title: Analysis Unit Role of Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as Support in the Village of Village Tourism, Tamansari, Banyuwangi

Authors: Harry Azhar Azis1,2, Sri Mulyani2, and Marjulin2

Affiliations: 1. Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga; 2. Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran

Publisher: International Journal of Economic Research


The Study aims to reveal the influence of business strategy towards the success of Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) and the implications towards the quality of accounting information. The results of the study is expected to become a proof that offered model can be a solution and an improvement in ERP System success and the quality of accounting information.

The Method used in the study is explanatory research method, in gaining basic answer of cause and effect by analyzing the cause of problems. Data used in the research is questionnaires spread in 32 chosen state-owned enterprises, and the data was processed using SEM PLS Statistics. The results show that business strategy can influence the success of ERP system. A success ERP system will produce a quality accounting information.

Keywords: Business Strategy, ERP System Success and Quality Accounting Information.

Sources: https://serialsjournals.com/abstract/25229_22.pdf