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HONY FATHUR ROHMAN041424353006Dosen PembimbingProf. Bambang Tjahjadi, MBA.,Ak.
Indonesia Port Corporation III Branch Gresik is a port that has a very vital location because there are several major industries around it such as Industrial ...
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HERI KRISDIANTO041414353030Dosen PembimbingProf. Badri Munir Sukoco.SE.,MBA.,Ph.D.
This study aims to determine the strategic position of a construction service company Internal environmental factors are categorized into strengths and ...
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HENITA RAHMAYANTI041524353010Dosen PembimbingDr.Gancar Candra Premananto,SE.,M.Si.
Astra International (Group) believes that CSR is an integrated part of sustainable business strategies in which the business orientation does not only aim ...
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FARIDAH HANUM041424353002Dosen PembimbingDr.Gancar Candra Premananto,SE.,M.Si.
The changing of business environment and its fierce competition require every organization to survive and win the competition. The organizations’ ability to ...
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Eric Kurniawan041524353003Dosen PembimbingProf.Dr.Ir.Suparno, M.S.I.E.
The healthcare industry is one of the many industries in Indonesia to receive special attention from the government. With the intent to establish free universal ...
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DODDY ALFERO041424353026Dosen PembimbingProf.Dr.Bambang Tjahjadi,MBA.AK.
When the only customer who always absorbs the product of a sole supplier has changed its purchasing policy, which now allow other suppliers to offer their product, ...
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Dea Tiva Prestavianingrum041424353017Dosen PembimbingDr.Masmira Kurniawati,SE.,M.Si.
The development of rural banks in Sidoarjo is currently growing very fast, so the competition between banks is also very tight, many banks that provide ...
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DANY YATIKA041614353019Dosen PembimbingDr.Indrianawati Usman,SE.,M.Sc.
In conducting its business process PT XYZ which is a subsidiary of state-owned port services company continues to meet the needs of consumers in service delay which ...
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ARIS KRISWANDANA041414353022Dosen PembimbingDr.Tri Siwi Agustina,SE., M.Si.
Human resource planning is a process that identifies the strategy to acquire, empower, develop, and maintain the workforce to address the current organization ...