[WEBS UNAIR Proudly Present] 

Are you someone who is interested in studying financial planning? or do you want to 


WEBS UNAIR proudly present DISCOVER with our special speaker🍃 

This DISCOVER will talk about "Financial Planning" To getting knowledges about how to 

manage our finance.🚀 

So, mark your calendar at: 

🗓 14 October 2021 

⏰ 12 pm - 2 pm 



💠 Stephanie Lim 

📌 What will you get? 

-Knowledge on how to manage our finance 


What are you waiting for, go register yourself by filling this lynk 


📩 Further Information (Contact Person): 


GET READY! For the great experience🌟 

Respect to time⏰ 

Respect to people👥 

Respect to system⚙️ 

WEBS Unair, dare to be a leader!