WORKSHOP FEB UNAIR min(FEB NEWS) Beside the student, the Lecturers also had chances to learned from Dr. Wahseem Soobratty, a lecturer from Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. Since he is expertise and experience in the field of accounting education, it is great for the Lecturers to learned more especially about teaching itself.


On Tuesday, Februari 20th 2024 in the Tirto Hall - Economic and Business Faculty, some Lecturers of the Faculty learned about student engagement and authentic assessment from Wahseem. Requirement to enhance classroom engagement, Wahseem introduced us The Business Simulation. It is a game with Microsoft excel based, which will be done by students simultaneously during a full semester. The goal is that students can use technology to increase understanding related to various materials such as financial accounting, budgeting, financial statement analysis, and others, which are packaged in that file.

On the third day, Wednesday, 21st 2024, is time for the junior lecturers to had an informal discussion with Wahseem. It is held in meeting room of Accounting Department. Wahseem shared many things about his carreer, passions, and experiences until now become a lecturer that fully up to the teaching things rather than research or community services. He suggests us how to teach like knowing our topic, the important of delivering skill, “joke” skill so student will not become bored, even he shared things from the root like “are we happy while we are teaching?” “why are we doing what we are doing?”.
