? BUSINESS VISIT 2018 goes to Singapore !?


? 14-17 Oktober 2018



? Nanyang Tech University

? National University of Singapore

? Port of Singapore Authority

? Google Singapore

? Art Science Museum

? Tanjung Pelepas Port Johor, Malaysia

? + more destinations to be announced

? Rate 6,8 jt (you pay only Rp3,8 jt the rest subsidized)

What Will You Get ?

• The price Include Breakfast

• Flight by China Airlines

• Stay at Hotel 81 Dickson

Contact our PIC for more infos and registration:

Line ID : nadyavns

? 085784402099

Register yourself from now 'til September 15th*

*closing date may vary, can be closed anytime

Come join us and expand your knowledge abroad?

PS: for Management students only


- HIMA S1 Manajemen UNAIR