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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
The Department of Management, Universitas Airlangga presented a series of guest lectures inviting international lecturers:
Kindly access the speaker's presentation material via the following ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
The Department of Management, Universitas Airlangga presented a series of guest lectures inviting international lecturers:
Kindly access the speaker's presentation material via the following ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
"Star scientists create an academic impact and induce social impacts by creating new businesses through high-quality research outcomes. What can we learn from Star Scientists in Japan?"Kindly access the speaker's presentation material via the ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
The Department of Management, Universitas Airlangga presented a series of guest lectures inviting international lecturers
Kindly access the speaker's presentation material via the following ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
The Department of Management, Universitas Airlangga presented a series of guest lectures inviting international lecturers:
Kindly access the speaker's presentation material via the following ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
The Department of Management, Universitas Airlangga presented a series of guest lectures inviting international lecturers:
This fifth guest lecture was held on Saturday, October 6, 2021, invited Dr. Rifelly Dewi Astusti (University of ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
Kamis 7 Oktober 2021, menjadi salah satu hari yang membahagiakan dan patut disyukuri oleh warga Departemen Manajemen FEB Unair. Dalam Rapat Koordinasi Ketua Departemen dan Koordinator Prodi yang diadakan Universitas Airlangga beberapa lembaga ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
Sharing opini pak Badri @Badri Munir S FEB, di harian Media Indonesia, hari ini 7oct 2021 ...
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- Kategori: Berita Manajemen
- Admin FEB Unair By
The Department of Management, Universitas Airlangga presented a series of guest lectures inviting international lecturers:
This fourth guest lecture was held on Thursday, October 7, 2021, with our international guest lecturer, Qualitative ...