Dosen Pembimbing
Prof.Badri Munir Sukoco,SE.,MBA.,Ph.D.


Often, cooperatives are linked to the old-fashioned and unprovoked mindset that many young people do not want to join. The mindset also affects the business development and performance of the cooperative itself which tend to be late and can not keep up with the times. Setia Budi Wanita Malang Cooperative is one of the cooperatives that have leaders who successfully implement transformational leadership, by changing old style leadership that tend to kolat and afraid to take a new step into an aggressive leadership style, full of challenges and dare to take risks and always adjust to the times . In this study, the researcher wanted to know what strategy used by the cooperative leader to transform the leadership style in the aim of reaching the quality cooperative.
The research method used is qualitative approach with descriptive technique. Determination of resource using purposive sampling method, this research use 4 resource and use 3 method triangulation as technique to know data validity that is triangulation method, triangulation researcher and triangulation of source.
The fifth leader succeeds in implementing transformational leadership by altering the old style of leadership that is stubborn and afraid to take steps to take risks and always create new ideas and innovations. So the development of the cooperative slowly but surely developed well and full of spirit does not work in place. The success of the fifth leader can not be separated from the role of the first leader to the fourth leader. Because the previous leader succeeded in maintaining the existence of the Koperasi Setia Budi Wanita Malang, and the mistakes that had been made by the previous leader became the learning and capital for the fifth leader to continue the organization. In his leadership, the fifth leader tries to use a spiritual leadership method which is able to understand what the subordinate wants and needs by looking at the phenomenon and inputs. The fifth leader focuses on interpersonal relationships between leaders, administrators, supervisors and members in order to make good communication easy to deliver the vision and mission to achieve.

Keywords : Leadership, Strategy, Transformational Leadership, Cooperative, Qualified Cooperative.

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