IESCO (Islamic Economics Olympiad) is a forum for student activities organized by the Islamic Economics Study Program and is intended for all female students or sisters from PTN and PTS throughout Indonesia. Aside from being a forum for friendship across PTN and PTS, this activity also aims to accommodate the creative and innovative ideas of female students regarding a phenomenon that occurs in society. The theme raised in the LKTI (Scientific Writing Contest) and LCC (Scientific Contest) IESCO (Islamic Economics Olympiad) is “Optimizing the Digital Economy in order to support SDG's”. By holding this activity, it is hoped that it can become a forum and facilitate female students to convey their ideas in the form of Scientific Writing and Smart Writing, as well as encourage female students to be able to contribute in realizing Indonesia towards SDGs 2030, because nation change is in the hands of youth, because of the quality of a country. reflected in the quality of youth. In the Scientific Writing Competition held by IESCO, the participants who pass the abstract selection will proceed to make a full paper then the participants who pass the full paper will be invited to proceed to the final stage which is held on: Day/Date : Tuesday-Saturday, 15 -19 January 2019 Venue : Darussalam Gontor Putri Mantingan University, Ngawi, East Java. The background of this competition is that female students are the nation's assets, holders of the highest level in the education system in Indonesia. As agents of change and iron stock, female students are required to be able to implement their knowledge and knowledge in order to solve various problems that exist in society. Therefore, the spirit of creativity, innovation, and problem solving skills of female students is needed. In response to this, we need a place or means for female students to express their talents and abilities, one of which is through scientific writing competitions and quiz competitions. Therefore, as a form of contribution in improving this competency, Darussalam Gontor Putri University held an LKTI (Scientific Writing Competition) and LCC (Scientific Writing Competition) competition with the theme "Optimizing the Digital Economy in order to support SDG's". The agenda for the final implementation of the LKTI will be on January 16-17, 2019. The final agenda was followed by 10 teams who successfully passed the full paper selection round. Universitas Airlangga managed to send 1 team that passed to the final round. The winners of the competition were won by the finalists who had successfully entered the final round with a presentation agenda. 1st place at State University of Malang, 2nd place was won by the Airlangga University Team with members Shelin Suryani (Islamic Economics 2018), Retno Wulandari (Management 2015), and Zahro Ubaydilla (Islamic Economics 2017), and 3rd place was won by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.