Regional Deliberation: East Java FoSSEI Regional Agenda Participated by the Delegation of HIMA EKIS and UKMF AcSES

Surabaya - Saturday-Monday, August 23-26 2019 seven delegations of Universitas Airlangga students participated in the "Regional Conference (MUREG) FoSSEI (Forum Gathering for Islamic Economic Studies) East Java 2019". MUREG itself is an annual agenda for the East Java Regional FoSSEI which is filled with international seminars, the main agenda of regional deliberations and the selection of regional coordinators, and closed with the KSEI Award.

MUREG which is located at STAI Syaichona Moh. This time, Cholil Bangkalan carries the theme "Optimizing Waqf and Sociopreneurs to Realize Indonesia as a Center for Halal Industry in the World" at the International Seminar which invited 2 speakers; Dr. Mohammad Mahbubi Ali, SE.I, MAY,. CIFP (Director Of Economy Department, International Institute Of Advanced - Islamic Studies, Malaysia) and M. Ali Irsyad, S.Ikom, Cht (CEO & Founder Of PT. Ijad Group RS). The two speakers emphasized that in starting a business, what comes first is how to make the business that is being carried out bring benefits and overcome the problems of the people. While the affiliation with waqf lies in the allocation of the use of waqf funds for halal and ummah-oriented businesses, or the allocation of business profits used for waqf and continues to be developed so that the value remains intact.

Figure 1: Delegation from HIMA Ekis and UKMF AcSES

The second day was filled with regional deliberations with the agenda of presenting the East Java Regional FoSSEI accountability report and the election of a regional coordinator for the 2019/2020 term of service as well as the selection of the host of the East Java FoSSEI agenda activities. The selected Regional Coordinator is Vicki Luvian from KSEI FEB, University of Jember.

The third day was the last day filled with a fieldtrip with a pilgrimage to Syaichona Moh's grave. Cholil Bangkalan, as well as the KSEI Award. It seems that sending seven delegates to the regional agenda was not in vain because in the KSEI Award, UKMF AcSES was awarded as KSEI with the best regeneration. As well as one of the delegates, Clarissa Fortunela (Islamic Economics, 2018) won 2nd Place in Poster Design in FORMASI (re: One of the work programs of the East Java FoSSEI PR Department).

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Figure 2,3: KSEI AcSES received an award as the best KSEI Cadre.

Picture 4: Clarissa Fortunela receives the 2nd Place Award for FORMASI Poster Design


The MUREG agenda has more or less provided experiences, lessons, and relations in the region. In conclusion, the regional agenda is not only aimed at carrying out tasks, but more than that as a forum for friendship and a place to learn from fellow KSEI delegates participating.