TED is an annual event that brings together the world's leading thinkers and actors to share ideas that matter in any discipline — technology, entertainment, design, science, humanities, business, and development, for example. In the spirit of "ideas worth spreading," or ideas that deserve to be shared, TED finally formed TEDx, a self-organized local event that brings together many people to share experiences, just like TEDx. ideas in the community that can inspire many people to change their lives, future, and their world for the better.The success of the TEDxUniversitasAirlangga 2020 series with the theme Reversing The Stereotype, this year TEDxUniversitasAirlangga is back to be a forum for those who have the passion to share ideas and inspirational, creative, and innovative motivation under the spirit of ideas worth spreading.

This year's TEDxUniversitasAirlangga has a grand theme, namely the Ripple Effect. It is not uncommon for people to underestimate their role in society or wherever they are, without thinking that actually their small role will be able to make a significant impact. As for one need not have a great achievement, there are times when a small deed or even an unintentional deed can have a big impact. Until in the end every impact resulting from small actions can have a big impact that may have never been thought of before. The impact that results from small actions is one form of the Ripple Effect. 

The series of TEDxUniversitasAirlangga 2021 events want to bring a message to realize that whatever everyone does or whatever they do will always have an impact in the future. So with the initial goal of TED being to gather ideas and ideas, one of the series of events from TEDxUniversitasAirlangga this year will be to collect ideas and ideas through Call For Essay or essay writing competition.

Call For Essay TEDxUniversitasAirlangga 2021, became the opening sub event of the entire series of events this year. In Call For Essay, participants will be expected to be able to write down their ideas in the form of an essay on this year's grand theme, the Ripple Effect. The Call For Essay competition starts the registration period on August 23, 2021 until September 19, 2021 and the announcement of the winners will be held on September 25, 2021. The winners will receive an e-certificate, official TEDxUniversitas Airlangga merchandise, and cash prizes with a total of IDR 1.500.000,00.