Mabit 2020 Poster

Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim…

انَ ا اَمۡسِهِ ابِحُ. انَ ل اَمۡسه . ان ا امسه لۡعُون
"Whoever today is better than yesterday, then he is lucky. Whoever today
same as yesterday, then he loses. Whoever today is worse than yesterday, he
"Night of Faith and Taqwa (MABIT)" is one of the work program activities
PSDM MOSAIC Division, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga for the 2020 period.
This activity was carried out to commemorate the Islamic New Year 1442 H as well as Hari
The 75th Independence of the Republic of Indonesia with the theme “Spirit to Refinement to Strengthen”
Ukhuwah" where the essence of the theme taken is the first "spirit"
clean up” which is the essence of the hijriyah new year which as a Muslim
Muslims must always improve themselves and become a better person in the future
New Year's Sheet 1442 H. Then the second "strengthen Ukhuwah" which is
the essence of independence day which is the embodiment of love for the homeland
realized by a sense of unity and mutual respect for each other even though the nation
Indonesia consists of various differences. the event is carried out by delivering material
by the speaker about the theme that has been raised, then followed by a question session
answer. The purpose of this Night of Faith and Taqwa (MABIT) will be more
increase faith, piety, and a sense of brotherhood as well as the spirit to preach
Islam. In addition, it is also able to uphold Islamic values, and as a means of
debriefing for MOSAIC FEB UNAIR administrators to continue da'wah at FEB UNAIR so that
can help create an environment that always gets the grace of Allah SWT.