
A work meeting or more often called a working meeting is a meeting of staff from an organization to
discuss matters relating to the implementation of the organization's work program. For work meetings hima
EKIS UNAIR for the 2020 period, we will discuss about the projects that will be carried out by
hima EKIS during the 2020 period. This work meeting itself is one of the work programs of the PSDM division hima
EKIS will be held on February 15, 2020 and takes place in the soepoyo hall. akn event
starts at 08:00 am.
This work meeting program was held with the aim of assessing the work program plans of each division in Hima
UNAIR EKIS which will be run, this assessment aims to find out whether the work program
is worth it or not. In addition to assessing whether or not a work program is appropriate, work meetings are also
aims to solve the problem if there is a deadlock from the related division, then the other division in hima
EKIS will help solve this problem. With this meeting we also want
reminding the members of the UNAIR EKIS Hima about the vision and mission of the UNAIR EKIS Hima period
This working meeting will be held in a presidium manner. There will be 2 presidiums who lead
the course of work meetings and one note taker. The event will start after the event MC invites
presidium to start the event. The system of this meeting is that each division will be given 20 minutes to
present their programs (including questions and answers). For participants who want
ask questions, give opinions, enter or leave the presidium with the permission of the president of the presidium. If
all divisions have finished their presentations then the event will be handed back to the MC for
next closing event.