Business Visit to Singapore Malaysia 2019
Business Visit is an annual routine activity held by the Management S1 study program, which
aims to gain real knowledge and practice about the activities that occur
in the world of work, both domestically and abroad. Business Visit conducted by
students of the Management S1 study program on 10 – 13 November 2019 which was carried out in
several places in Singapore and Malaysia. Places to visit include PSA
International Singapore, The Port of Tanjung Pejuang (PTP) Johor Malaysia, Marina Bay, Nanyang
Technological University, and the National University of Singapore.
The Business Visit activity will begin with the presentation of material from the company regarding:
general description of the company and the activities carried out by the company. Next up for discussion
which is interesting where the company explains about the strategies it does so that
still be able to survive in an increasingly fierce competition, especially globalization. Then
followed by a field tour to see firsthand the operational activities carried out
by the company. This activity is expected to increase the practical knowledge of management
companies abroad bafi students of the Management S1 study program and motivate students
to be more active in learning and understanding management science in depth.