Examining from the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad that every Muslim is a brother, even though they are not bound by blood, ethnicity, and race ties. Therefore, MOSAIC FEB UNAIR organized a visit through the Multimedia Design and Public Relations Bureau.

The working visit of MOSAIC FEB UNAIR was held in three different places, namely the Vocational Faculty of Vocational School SKI, Pharmacy Faculty prayer room, and the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga SKI prayer room on May 19, August 16, and October 20 2018.

This activity started at 08.00 and ended at 11.30 which was filled with a series of remarks by Adi Bintang Pradana as the Head of MOSAIC FEB UNAIR 2018 and remarks from the Head of the SKI Faculty concerned. Then, it was continued with the presentation of the organizational structure and functions between SKI and discussions by forming separate halaqoh for men and women.

This discussion begins with introductions between SKI members and groupings among SKI members based on the same division or bureau. In this discussion session, each small group discusses how and what are the problems faced by internal members of the organization as well as the constraints of each Faculty SKI in the effort to deliver da'wah within the campus environment, then tries to find solutions to every problem that exists in SKI both from internal aspects as well as in the delivery or strategy of preaching.

The series of MOCAIC FEB UNAIR Working Visits were closed with a group photo between the MOSAIC FEB UNAIR members and the SKI members concerned.

Through this activity, it is hoped that MOSAIC will be able to apply religious law, namely establishing friendship with the fabric of the community outside SKI FEB, increasing relations with Islamic students in the environment around the campus and as a means of solving problems for the problems in the SKI concerned.