Welcome Event

MOSAIC invites FEB CITIZENS to pray

"Indeed" Allah and His angels pray for the Prophet. O you who believe, pray to the Prophet and salute him". (Surat al-Ahzab: 56)

In Al-Ahzab verse 56 it is explained that we are commanded to pray to the prophet with the aim that the Muslims will get intercession on the last day. A hadith also explains the wisdom of reading sholawat "Whoever who prays to me once, Allah will pray to him 10 times, remove 10 faults from him, and exalt him 10 degrees.. " [HR. An-Nasa'i, III/50 and declared authentic by Shaykh Al-Albani].

Seeing so many lessons and benefits from sholawat, the PBA MOSAIC FEB UNAIR division held a FEB Bersholawat event with the aim of being a MOSAIC forum to maintain and strengthen Islamic brotherhood between Muslims in FEB and MOSAIC alumni by praying together so that all FEB Muslims get intercession at the end of the day.

The activity which was held in the soepoyo hall also invited Mr. R. Moh. Qudsi Fauzi (Drs., MM.) as the advisor from MOSAIC FEB UNAIR and the Al-Iqtishod banjari group to enliven the event. In the event, Mr. Qudsi conveyed an invitation to make sholawat to all FEB residents, especially to all those present.

The event closed with the reading of a prayer delivered by Mr. Qudsi and continued with a group photo session. The message that wants to be conveyed in this event, hopefully sholawat will remain and will always be grounded in the FEB environment.