Cooperative visits are activities that are routinely carried out every year which are part of the Cooperative Economics course.


KSPS Setia Kawan is the purpose of visiting cooperatives this year, KSPS Setia Kawan, which is one of the many cooperatives in Indonesia that is able to show the true identity of cooperatives. Become an umbrella for its members, especially the surrounding community and as a driver of the Indonesian economy. The cooperative, which is located in Nongkojajar, Pasuruan, has more than six thousand active members out of a total of around nine thousand members. Choosing the dairy sector as its main business KPSP Setia Kawan is able to generate a turnover of more than 263 billion per year. This cooperative is like a liaison. There are around 21.570 cows in the partners who are able to support milk production. He gets pure cow's milk products from the farmers, who are none other than his members and then sends them to the Company.

According to KPSP Manager Setia Kawan, this cooperative only supplies one company, namely PT Indolakto whose products we often encounter and even consume, namely Indomilk milk. For the deposit of milk from members to this cooperative also has a strict selection because quality is very important in this cooperative. One of them is the alcohol test. There is something interesting about the applied testing. When members send milk to this cooperative at 05.00 am or 15.00 pm to be tested for alcohol and the milk given is broken then the milk will be returned to the member with food coloring this is anticipating if the member has deposited milk in the morning it is expected not to deposit in the afternoon with low quality. This cooperative discipline can be seen in maintaining the quality of its milk products. Things like this are expected to be present in the Indonesian economy. Providing opportunities for production is not just an opportunity for consumption.