COMDEV (Withmunity development) is a form of community development activity that leads to the achievement of better socio-economic-cultural conditions when compared to before this activity, especially independent in managing the abundant natural resources in the area. And the village we will visit is Seloliman Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency with four hamlets, namely Biting Hamlet, Sempur Hamlet, Balekambang Hamlet, and Promising Hamlet.


Seloliman Village has diverse biodiversity, superior natural resources that are different in each hamlet, distribution and marketing aspects are the main problems, lack of information in the city, large population disparity, and high social inequality in the area, then HIMA Development Economics Universitas Airlangga held an activity Community Development for the third year. Program Community Development Development Economics Universitas Airlangga focuses on five aspects that will be upheld, namely entertainment (entertainment events such as providing knowledge and teaching children who are still in school) , Programming (Ginger extract counseling program, environmental hygiene, and training to form a joint village business, and help with business licensing issues), revaluation (improve and improve the quality of business), sustaining (continuous program implementation).

COMDEV 2018 focuses on providing assistance for PIRT business permits for the Seloliman village community, one of which is Mrs. Juwanik with a product in the form of ginger extract powder. In addition, the COMDEV Committee also helped to design the packaging for Mrs. Juwanik's products. In various departures, the COMDEV committee did several things treatment to the community of Seloliman Village which includes: March Survey, April Health socialization and free medical check-ups, May Socialization for Livestock and Business, and in September the PIRT registration process and Environmental Love Learning Activities with the children of SDN Seloliman, and at the end of November there was a Happy Sharing event (distributing book donations, bags, shoes) at SDN Seloliman ended with a recitation of ba'da isya' and Thanksgiving with the residents. From the various treatments that have been applied to the Seloliman village community, so that they have better living habits and souls awareness to the environment and business is increasing. It is hoped that with this the community can achieve better welfare than before.


