Business 101

HIMA EKIS UNAIR Entrepreneurship Division

Business101 is one of the work programs of the Islamic economics student association held by the entrepreneurship division. This work program is in the form of a regional seminar in collaboration with mango sarongs. business101 discusses how to start building a business that is in accordance with sharia principles. In business101 invited 2 speakers, namely Rahmi Hidayah (CEO are flowerstore) and Ichlasul amal rangga Winata (Ekis 2007 alumni), President Director of Jabal Qubais Kurnia, President Commissioner of PT Jaya Waskita Dwipantara, President Director of PT Maxima Jaya Perkasa. This seminar was held in the Soepoyo Hall, Faculty of Economics. and Airlangga University business on Friday 26 October 2018 starting at 07.00 to 11.00. The business101 seminar is intended for the public without paying htm, but still gets facilities in the form of an skp certificate, snack box, useful knowledge, and a seminar kit. This seminar aims to introduce Islamic economics to the wider community.

Hima Ekis Entrepreneurship Unair

Unair ekis entrepreneurship

Islamic economic entrepreneurship Feb Unair