Review of the 2018 Rise of Indonesian Youth National Seminar

The increasingly rapid development of the digital world has an impact on the increasing use of technology in various fields of our lives. In welcoming the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, HIMA Accounting S1 UNAIR also enlivened it by holding a national seminar Rise of Indonesian Youth "Be Creative Preneur to Facing Up 4th industrial revolution", which was held on May 12 2018, at the Fajar Notonegoro Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. Present as speakers are CMO Kals Corpora Haykal Kamil; Co Founder of Edward Widjonarko MBA; Owners of PT. Aiola Indonesia dr. Irmadita Citrashanty Sp. KK; and Founder of Lean Accounting Indonesia Godwin Sihotang CA, CMA, CIBA, CBV.

Opened with a discussion of material from Founder of Lean Accounting Indonesia Daniel Godwin Sihotang CA, CMA, CIBA, CBV, discusses what the 4th industrial revolution is and the application of lean six sigma in companies and businesses. Daniel Godwin explained that lean six sigma is used by large companies to create long-term strategies, so that their companies can remain dominating the market and be successful.


Followed by the material presented by Owners of PT. Aiola Indonesia dr. Irmadita Citrashanty Sp. KK, discusses how he started his business from scratch to the present day with the various obstacles he faced as a doctor. dr. Irmadita also gave tips on building a culinary business that he has successfully done and how to deal with the 4th industrial revolution so that his business can continue to run and even increase and increase turnover by utilizing rapid technological developments in this 4.0 industrial revolution.


In the second session, the event opened with material from Co Founder of Edward Widjonarko MBA tells how he started his startup business from the beginning of its formation, until now it is famous among students and the general public. Edward also provides tips in dealing with the 4th industrial revolution and using it as a business opportunity that can be used to build a promising business for the future.


Continued with material from CMO Kals Corpora Haykal Kamil who is also an entertainer or public figure provides material about determination in business and tips that should be done by young people in building a business. Haykal Kamil also explained the difficulties he faced in building a business when he was young, he explained that as a young man, he had to be brave enough to start a business.


The last session was closed with a beauty class from Nivea Indonesia which discussed maintaining and caring for skin health with various beauty products. The seminar went smoothly, with at least 240 participants attending the series of National Seminar on Rise of Indonesian Youth this year.