The Accounting Knowing Better (AKB) seminar is a seminar specially designed for new students of Accounting at Universitas Airlangga in order to introduce them to the world of accounting. To further strengthen the purpose of holding this AKB seminar, we propose a rationale that is contained in the theme, namely "Improve Yourself to be a Professional Accountant in the New Era". Where with the theme, it can support the running of this seminar with the essence and expected output in addition to achieving the general AKB goals. The theme of "Improve Yourself to be a Professional Accountant in the New Era" simply wants to provide an overview to prospective accountants regarding the changing conditions in which work experience and job descriptions of accountants who currently have to adjust in this new era, also require an accountant to have competence in the era of digitalization by utilizing technology. Therefore, this theme is not only relevant to AKB's goal of introducing new students to UNAIR Accounting, this theme will also automatically provide a mindset that they are faced with a new era, namely the era of digitalization which is almost entirely related to technology.