In the middle of the BEM FEB Unair period, the Juang Cabinet spread its wings by opening recruitment for 2017 and 2018 students who wish to join until the end of the 2018 period. Buddy BEM or SOBEM is a process forum that is quite popular with every new student every year. The main reason SOBEM was chosen is that BEM FEB has more varied departments and bureaus such as staff, community service, etc. so that students are more free to choose according to their respective interests. In addition, it does not only train soft skills, but also adds relationships at the faculty level continuously. It can be seen that the desire of students to contribute is quite high, reaching 130 registrants. The number of Sobem registrants continues to increase from year to year, therefore the number of admissions is also increased to 43 new staff. In the implementation of the selection, SOBEM has 2 stages, namely a psychological test and an interview which was held on 27-30 August 2018.


SOBEM registrants can choose the department they are interested in, such as Bureau of Administration, Bureau of Finance, Public Health, Arts and Sports, Business, External Relations, Community Service, Bureau of Medkominfo, PSDM, Culture and Science. The Departments and Bureaus in this Fighting Cabinet open the door wide to help with training soft skills in the organization.

During the event, namely the psychological test which was held in the Soepoyo Hall, there were many applicants who came on time and looked very enthusiastic in doing it. Due to the great enthusiasm, the interview selection stage was divided into 2 days which was held in the Tower Hall. The registrants can directly meet the members of BEM FEB UNAIR 2018 Juang Cabinet and conduct interviews with extraordinary enthusiasm.

After the selection process was completed, the selected registrants were warmly welcomed at the welcoming party on 7 September 2018. The series of events was made more relaxed so that the atmosphere was more fluid and fun. The department gathering at the end of the event also adds to the intimacy between registrants and the chosen department. It is hoped that by holding this event, the level of kinship will be higher so that the implementation of contributions is more comfortable for the next half period. In addition, contributions, soft skills training and communication are expected to be applied in daily life to improve the quality of FEB UNAIR students.