Mufid (EP-2017) Karel Geraldo Goethart (Management-2018)

FEB UNAIR students have the opportunity to join the International Leaders Model United Nations (ILMUN). Located at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand, the event was held from late January to early February (20–02/02). Mufid is a 2017 Development Economics student and Karel Geraldo Goethart Manajemen 2018, as participants. Mufid stated that the event was not only attended by students from the Faculty of Economics and Business UNAIR but from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science and Technology, and Faculty of Cultural Studies.

The ILMUN selection has two stages. Namely, web registration, followed by filling out the registration form. Then if you pass the second stage then get a Letter of Acceptance (LoA)

"When filling out the online form, not only by filling in your personal identity, but choosing three councils (councils) and three countries in order of priority according to your wishes, followed by writing an essay on topic with the council and country already selected," said Mufid.

The essay will be a benchmark for why we should choose the council and the country. Including the insights you have and explaining what has been selected in the implementation later.

After obtaining the LoA, the delegation will be divided into several councils and countries. In ILMUN, there are several types of councils such as WHO, UNESCO, IMF, UNHRC, UN Security Council. After that the participants were given the issue of each council, the delegates had to make a position paper containing their arguments on an issue according to the role of the state that had been obtained.

There are many activities there, with the core events being Zero Conference, Meeting Season, First Season, Second Season, and Special Curtural Perform.

Karel said that meeting friends from various countries was the most memorable thing. Moreover, even though according to its name which covers the Asian region, it turns out that there are delegates from the African continent, namely Libya, the Americas is Canada, and even the European continent like Croatia.