UNAIR NEWS – Easy access to information and widespread education about financial planning and investment have made many young people interested in practicing it in the real world. Noting the euphoria, Dr. Wisudanto, SE., MM, CFP, ASPM gave some tips to beginners and students in starting investment.

Choose the Right Investment Instrument

There are various forms and investment products. There are investments in the real sector such as land, houses and apartments. Or investment through banks and the capital market. Investments through banks can be in the form of deposits. Meanwhile, for the capital market, the assets can be in the form of securities.

"If you want to invest in the capital market, you need to learn more, especially regarding the risks, both in the time dimension, returns, or assets,” explained Wisudanto, a management expert from the Faculty of Economics and Business Airlangga University (FEB UNAIR).

However, if you want to invest in the capital market, the money used must be money that will not be used in less than one year. Don't use short-term money, such as money to pay for college.

Investment in the capital market is not liquid. No one can guarantee that by buying a stock today, its price will remain the same tomorrow.

"It should be noted that investing in the capital market is long-term, more than one year and even for the life of the company because investing means that we own part of the company," he explained.

Wisudanto also does not recommend trading practices for someone who adheres to sharia principles. This is because trading transacts something without a clear basis and is speculative in nature. Meanwhile, transactions must have a clear basis, both in terms of knowledge and needs.

Understand Products

Before deciding to buy an investment instrument, one also needs to understand the product to be purchased. For example, when investing in the capital market, one must understand before buying some shares of a company or issuer in the capital market. Such as knowing what products are sold by the company, or where the company's sources of income come from, and how the business processes are.

Especially if you want to invest in sharia in the capital market. In addition to knowing the source of the company's income, it is also necessary to find out whether the company or issuer is registered in the OJK Sharia Securities List (DES). To avoid fraudulent investments, it takes a lot of literacy.

"Don't be in a hurry to invest, increase literacy, understand assets and products, attend seminars organized by appropriate institutions to make it clearer," he continued.

Check the Legality of the Institution

Then, it is very important to check the validity of the institution to invest. Make sure the agency is licensed by the competent authorities as regulated by law. For example, if you want to buy land, you should go to a notary to be assisted in ensuring the legality of land ownership. If you want to invest in the capital market, then leave it to a capital market expert such as the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

"To check the validity of the agency's permit, go to the authorized agency to ask for instructions according to the legal aspects of the institution for investment," said Wisudanto.

Long Term Analysis

Before investing in the capital market, first analyze several things related to the issuer whose shares will be purchased. There are many ratios that must be analyzed, including return on investment (ROI) and return of equity (ROE). Simply put, ROE and ROI are the level of profit that can be obtained from units of rupiah invested in the company.

“Besides, the most important thing when buying company shares is to consider future values," he explained.

future value is the value or potential of the company in the future. For example, maybe the current stock price of a company that trades nickel is still cheap, for example 2.800 per share. However, due to the large number of needs for the manufacture of batteries such as for laptops, mobile phones, and electric cars, a few years later the share price of companies that trade nickel became 8.000 per share.

Learn More, Read More

Wisudanto emphasized that the most valuable thing is time. So when you are young invest time for a better future. Make good use of time, by reading a lot for the provision of the future.

"Take advantage of the time you have now, age will not come back again, learn a lot, read a lot, especially God's laws for the benefit of the people in the future are the most valuable investments," he concluded. (*)

Author : Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

source: http://news.unair.ac.id/2021/03/31/pakar-unair-beberkan-tips-investasi-bagi-pemula/