msib class feb unairMSIB Class is one of the work programs of the BEM FEB Professional Development Department, Universitas Airlangga , which focuses on providing information regarding MSIB preparation aimed at all active undergraduate students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . This MSIB Class aims to facilitate FEB UNAIR students to obtain information regarding MSIB preparation according to their educational background, skills, talents and interests.
The MSIB Class work program contributes to realizing SDGs in accordance with goal 8: Decent work and economic growth. This can be achieved by facilitating and providing appropriate information regarding MSIB preparation so that students can develop their potential, so that they have the knowledge and skills to move into the post-campus world.

The background and potential of students have a significant influence on the success of the MSIB selection process. This is supported by information being distributed appropriately, so that students do not experience being left behind due to limited information regarding job opportunities and the implementation of internship programs in the world of education. Appropriate information and well-distributed potential also encourage students to be ready to contribute to the world of work. This enables students to get decent jobs and participate in supporting sustainable economic growth in the era of technological and information development.